Image heavy!!! I'll showcase the drawings I'm most pleased with here! ... it's mostly Pokemon Best Wishes! and some Sun & Moon fanart, be warned. I hope you like Iris, Lillie, and Shootie/Trip. Sometimes, there's original artwork or other fanart! [CW mention of hunting traps/snares lower down, in the context of Pokemon, and a Pokemon with old/healed scars and injured legs. Bloodless, around the same level of the show, but warning just in case.]
My pixel art has been moved to its own separate page!
Iris pulling on Trip's face to make him smile and him doign the same to her. xD; Cartoony slapstick is fun to draw. First time mixing felt tips with coloured pencils, it really added depth!
Designed this original character on the spot for a very kind and sweet coworker who asked for a drawing, with no further instructions. ^^
Trip sleeping. Used a couple of shading and highlighting techniques I newly learned on the clothes!
A quick drawing of May in pastel colours, with the wind blowing her hair. ^^
Two roleplay-inspired drawings of a rather disinterested Trip with a very affectionate Deerling trying to get his attention. This Deerling's legs were hurt by a hunter's trap and cannot battle or survive on its own, but as it still had the will to live, although Trip initially couldn't see meaning in a life of weakness and needing to rely on others; Alder thought taking care of it would be best for both of them.