Birds and Stars
A place to nurture my dreams

(Photograph by Sarah Liu.)

Navigation: [Calm Down+Cheer Up+Dollroom+Best Wishes! Appreciation (under construction)+Pretty Panels+Manga Recommendations+Art Gallery+Pixel Art+Islamic Healing & Protection+Links]

Welcome to my homepage! This place is still very new and is a bit sparse on content, I mostly just wanted to make a nice, safe place where I can collect comforting and nostalgic things, and maybe also make room for my art eventually...

Hello! I'm called Lala/Lambie, I live in Saudi Arabia, and I drawing, love pastel colours, frills and lace, swimming, sweets, roleplaying, strawberries, nature, and animals!

I'm also a fan of old anime/manga, Lolita fashion (I just admire it, I don't own any dresses yet!). I'm very nostalgic and love revisiting things from my childhood, I also love vintage fashion and illustrations, even if I'm not very knowledgeable about them!
I'm currently (slowly) watching: Candy Candy, Little Memole, and Kuroshitsuji. Waiting for the next Fruits Basket!
I'm currently reading: A Little Princess, The Devil and Miss Prym, Dear Daddy-Long-Legs, Howl's Moving Castle, and Little Women.

My favourite artists include Osamu Tezuka, Uchida Yoshimi, Ooshima Yumiko, Akaishi Michiyo, Ikuko Itoh, Tamagawa Akihiro, Fukuyama Keiko, and Inoue Momota.

Update log:

2, 1, 2020 It's a new year! By the Gregorian calender's count, anyway. My little brother adjusted the colours on my site to make it more colourblind friendly using this as reference. o/ Added more to the Cheer Up page. Added more links!
25, December, 2019 I got a sweet gift from a friend today! First time I've received a gift from an online friend. ;3; Although I don't celebrate Christmas, it's nice to receive and give gifts at any time! I added some new sections I've been working on! They still need some work and more content, but, Manga Recommendations and Pretty Panels have been added.
18, December, 2019 I added more manga recommendations, a translation for the Islamic Healing page, and some images and bits of advice to the Calm Down page. Another addition to the dolls in media part of the Dollroom too! More advice and helpful visuals added to Calm Down page.
5, December, 2019 I added another new section I'm working on, but the Arabic text doesn't show up properly... I added some new links and updated the Calm Down page! Mught fix up the Best Wishes! page too.
24, November, 2019 I've opened the Dollroom! This is the section I've woked on for the past two days! It's rather image heavy, so don't visit it on data... otherwise, have fun! ♥
23, November, 2019 adding more links and content to the calm down page! Working on a new section or two too!
Older updates archived here.

My brother made the cute little sheep that wander along the bottom of this page! Here is his website.

The Princess Code